Cinnamon Chip Scones

Okay, these are by far one the more sought after things I make around this house.  Definitely easier than cinnamon rolls, no need for yeast and hoping and praying that it rises. They do take a bit of work, but I always make the cinnamon chips one to two days in advance, get them ready…

Vanilla Bean Paste

I used to buy vanilla bean paste all the time, it was all I used. Then 2 years ago the price skyrocketed, from $10 a bottle to $35. Also, I can’t buy it anywhere in the city, I’d have to order it online. So add delivery charges on top of that. I never thought this…

Salted Caramel

It seems the older my husband gets (he turned 50 in February), the more he’s getting a sweet tooth.  It’s something I never expected.  He’s never been one for sweets.  Steak – yes, sweets – not so much. But over the past few months, he’s eating more and more sweets.  Which means I’m baking more….

Strawberry Jam

Okay, this is a definite summer staple. It’s also really easy to make, and no, I don’t use the pectin that you can buy in the store. I’m quite at the point of actually canning things yet. This is more of a soft set jam, which needs to be refrigerated and can stay in the…

Chicken Noodle Soup

This is one of those things that I think everyone loves, especially when you’re not feeling well.  It’s like a Grandmother’s medicine for when your sick. We tend to like our soup around here, when its stew or onion soup, and since I’ve started making my own chicken stock, we’ve started having chicken noodle soup…

Chicken Stock

  I’ve created a monster.  For years I would tell my husband to try the self check-outs at the grocery store, because he would always complain about having to go through the till to simply buy 1 onion.  I finally showed him how easy it was and now that’s all he will use.  Which also…

Pasta Sauce

As I get older I’ve noticed I prefer more and more making things from scratch. It actually bothers me sometimes to buy something if I know I can make it myself. Sure there are still tons of stuff we buy, but I try to bake bread once a week, I’ve started making my own chicken…

Chocolate Spice Hot-Cross Buns

This is a little late for Easter this year, but I was so busy baking before Easter I didn’t have time to think.  I could have sworn I had put this on here last year, so when I went to look for the recipe, I actually checked here first and realized it wasn’t up yet….

Pullman Bread

I was really excited when I got my first Pullman bread pan.  I actually got two of them, though I saved one for a Christmas present.  (Technically they were both a Christmas present but I opened up one and started using it right away). I thought it would be easy, find a recipe, make the…

Pumpkin Tiramisu

This past weekend was Thanksgiving, which means a lot of baking and cooking for me.  I had every intention of making two of these, but after making one for my mom, I decided I would just make myself and my family a pumpkin cheesecake. I had spent a few days trying to figure out if…

Black Pepper Parmesan Grissini Italian Breadsticks

Around here I usually make my parmesan breadsticks, which are big, fluffy, dunk in your pasta sauce breadsticks.  But every once in a while I make these, which are thin, crispy and well, super easy to make (takes less than 2 hours from start to finish!). I had always made these plain, with just a…

Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake

Well, the weather is definitely turning to winter here.  No fall or autumn.  We’re forecast to have snow tomorrow.  It still amazes me how we can go from hot summer weather with the air conditioner on one day, and then the next day the furnace is turning on to heat up the house because it’s…